

Homo Polymer

Z 30 G is a high flow homopolymer for injection moulding and compounding applications. Z 30 G ex hibits a high stiffness and an ou tstanding processability for shorter cycle times and easy mould filling. The produ ct is suitabl e for injection moulding applications such as thin- walled containers and o ther general purpo se packaging items, to ys. vacuum flasks, household and kitchen articles. Z 30 G also is an excellent polymer base for compounding and master batches..

General Properties

Category : Homo Polymer
Grade Name: Z30G
Manufacturer : MARUN
MFR : 0.25(2.16k/g)
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Heavy duty jumbo bags,Furniture,Caps,Closures,Toys
Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
Physical properties
Melt flow rate (230'C, 2.16 kg) Dg/min 25 ISO 1133
Density g/cm3 0.9 ISO 1183
Mechanical properties
Flexural modulus N/mm2 1500 ISO 178
Tensile strength yield N/mm2 32 ISO R527
Elongation at yield % 15 ISO R 527
lzod impact strenghh (notched) at 23 °C J/m 30 ISO 180
Rockwel Hardness R scale 100 ISO 868)
Vicat softening point (9.8 N) oC 157 ISO 306/A
H.D.T. (0.46 Mpa) oC 94 ISO 75/B
Accelerated oven ageing in air (forced circulation) at 150 °C hour 860 IS04577

 Measured at230°c under a load of 2.160 kg, with a standard nozzle having a diameter of 2.095

 Average nominal value referred to a tensile injection mo';ded specimen, type I (ASTM D 638).

 Typical mechanical property values measured on standard specimens, injec- tion moulded under
conditions designed to minimise orientation and in-moulded stresses and in line with the conditions
generaly used by industrial converters. Specimens are concitioned at room temperature (ASTM
0618 - Procedure A).

 The compositon of the product complies with FDA norms and the regulations in force in major
European countries concerning polypropylene resins for use in food contact applications. Further
details can be supplied on request