

Homo Polymer

′Jampilen HP510M′′ is a homopolymer particularly suited for the extrusion of cast and water quenched blown films. ′′Jampilen HP510M′′ is formulated with a general purpose stabilization package and does not contain any slip or antiblocking agents. This grade exhibits excellent processability and outstanding optical properties. ′′Jampilen HP510M′′ renders high gloss finish in laminates and exhibits good printability after Corona treatment.

General Properties

Category : Homo Polymer
Grade Name : X30S
Manufacturer : JAM
MFR : 9.5(21.6k/g)
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Film for packaging food-stuffs such as pasta, snacks, biscuits,bakery products and confectionery ,Film for packaging of flowers, books, stationery, blankets, shirts, knitwear and hosiery,Lamination with polyester, polyamide and aluminum for packaging of snacks, crisps, sweets, coffee, meat products and pre-cooked foods,Small pipes and drinking straws,Blow molded pigmented bottles,Coextruded sheet
Physical Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
MFR (230 oC, 2.16kg) g/10 min 9 ASTM D1238
Density g/cm³ 0.9 ASTM D1505
Mechanical Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
Flexural Modulus MPa 1550 ASTM D790
Tensile Strength at Yield MPa 35 ASTM D638
Tensile Elongation at Yield % 12 ASTM D638
Izod Impact Strength (notched) at 23 oC J/m 37 ASTM D256
Rockwell Hardness R Scale 102 ASTM D785
Thermal Unit Typical value Test Method
Vicat softening point (10N) oC 154 ASTM D1525
H.D.T. (0.46 Mpa) oC 95 ASTM D648
Accelerated oven ageing in air at 150 oC hours 360 ASTM D3012
Haze % 1.2 ASTM D1003
Gloss - 88 ASTM D2457

Processing Method:
 Cast film
 Water quenched blown film
 Extrusion (Small pipes)
 Blow molding

 Excellent processability
 Good optical properties
 Excellent gloss
 Film for packaging food-stuffs such as pasta, snacks, biscuits,
 bakery products and confectionery
 Film for packaging of flowers, books, stationery, blankets,
 shirts, knitwear and hosiery
 Lamination with polyester, polyamide and aluminum for
 packaging of snacks, crisps, sweets, coffee, meat products and
 pre-cooked foods
 Small pipes and drinking straws
 Blow molded pigmented bottles
 Coextruded sheet