

Homo Polymer

V 79 S is a high fluidity polypropylene homopolymer for the production of staple fibres with improved thermo-bonding ability for nonwoven fabrics. The product exhibits excellent antigasfading properties. V 79 S offers an outstanding process stability and spinning behaviour on short-spinning lines and some specific long-spinning lines. The thermal-bonding ability is high and allows the production of nonwoven fabrics with a higher tear strength or with a lower weight per m2 for the same strength. The fabrics made with V79 Sare characterised by softness, textile- like appearance and tear resistance. The typical applications are coverstock for diapers, feminine care products and incontinence pads. Other applications are wipes, filters and fabrics for the clothing and furniture industry.

General Properties

Category : Homo Polymer
Grade Name : V79S
Manufacturer : MARUN
MFR : 10(21.6k/g)
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Heavy duty jumbo bags,Furniture,Caps,Closures,Toys
Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
Physical properties
Melt flow rate (230'C, 2.16 kg) Dg/min 21 ISO 1133
Density g/cm3 0.9 ISO 1183
Mechanical properties
Flexural modulus N/mm2 1550 ISO 178
Tensile strength yield N/mm2 35 ISO R527
Elongation at yield % 13 ISO R 527
lzod impact strenghh (notched) at 23 °C kJ/m2 3 ISO 180
Hardness Shore D points 72 ISO 868)
Thermal properties
Vicat softening point (9.8 N) oC 152 ISO 306/A
H.D.T. (0.46 Mpa) oC 118 ISO 75/B
Accelerated oven ageing in air (forced circulation) at 150 °C hour 120 IS04577

It is suitable for food contact.
 Values shown are averages and are not to be considered as p roduct specification
These values may shift slightly as additional data are accumlsted.

ISO test methods are the lates under the societys current procedures. All specimens
are prepared by injection moulding .