


General Properties

Category : LDPE
Grade Name : 0075(LH0075)
Manufacturer : BANDAR IMAM
MFR : 0.75(0.75K/g)
Density : 0.922
Applications :
Food packing,Shrink film,Cast film Bags and pounches,Carrier bags,General purpose bags
Property Unit Value Test Method
MFI (190kg)C/2. 16 gr/10min. 0.75 ASTM D 1238
Density gr/ml 0.920 * TSTM 209 B
Vicat softening point oC 95 ASTM D 1525
Elongation @ break (MD) % 300 min. ASTM D 882
Elongation @ break (TD) % 450 min. ASTM D 882
Tensile @ break (MD) kg/cm2 170 min. ASTM D 882
HDT oC 33 ASTM D 648

General Informations:
LH0075 is a high molecular weight low density polyethylene film grade combining good
flexible extrusion behavior and superior mechanical properties. Film made from LH0075
exhibits high dart impact combined with excellent yield and tensile strength and high stiffness.
Its toughness bears even in cold temperatures. The film can be sealed on all types of
machines.The film possesses good dimensional stability and is resistant to tearing and
breaking. LH0075 contains antioxidant..


LH0075 is well suited for wide range of applications due to its unique balance of properties.
The superior mechanical properties will improve the functionability of the films. Examples;
general purpose bags, packaging of mechanical parts, carrier bags, coextruded milk bags, low
tension power cables insulation and industrial injection mouldings.

Processing conditions :
PI0800 can be extruded to yield sheet used for thermoforming and stamping, and also to yield
pipes and profiles. High molecular weight, low melt flow materials will provide the required
melt strength. Single screw extruders with high length/diameter ratio provide good mixing of
the melt. Back pressure of 10-20 MPa (1500-3000 psia) improve melt uniformity. Melt
temperature range of 230-260 oC are commonly used for sheeting and also for injection
molding .


The product should be stored in dry conditions at temperature below 60oC and protected
from UV–light.Improper storage can initiate degradation with resulting odour generation and
colour changes.

Health & Environment:

PI0800 is not classified as dangerous product. Dust and fines from the product may give a
risk for dust explosion. All equipment should be properly grounded. Inhalation of dust may
irritate the respiratory system and should be avoided. During processing of the product small
amounts of fumes are generated, which require proper ventilation.


End products made from this polymer are recyclable using modern methods of shredding and
cleaning, but for the pipes applications only if approved by the relevant standards or
specifications. In–house produced waste should be kept clean to facilitate direct recycling.

Dumping and land filling is also possible in agreement with the competent authorities.

Food Contact:

The composition of products complies with the EC Directive 90/128/EEC for use in food
contact applications.


This product is packed in 25 Kg PE bags.