GAC 250

GAC 250


PC/ABS Alloy : Non Reinforced Grade Classification: General purpose>Injection grade Characteristic: Injection grade, high impact Resistance Application GAC 2۵٠ resin gives exceptional impact strength even at low temperature and has a high heat resistance. Typical applications include automotive instrument panel, automotive interior and exterior trim. Electrical and Electronic component and etc.

General Properties

Category : PC
Grade Name : GAC 250
Manufacturer : GHAED BASIR
MFR: 47
Density : 0.954
Applications :
GAC 250 resin gives exceptional impact strength even at low temperature and has a high heat resistance. Typical applications include automotive instrument panel, automotive interior and exterior trim. Electrical and Electronic component and etc.
Property Test method (ASTM) Test condition Unit Typical value GBEAC 250 Specification
Izod impact D-256 6.4 mm , notched Kj/m² 45 Min40
Melt flow index D-1238 230ºc , 21.6 kg gr/10 min 47 45-55
Rock well hardness D-785 ...... R-scale 113 100-120
HDT D-648 1.82 m pa ºc 125 Min115
Tensile strength D-638 23ºc , 50 mm/min Kg/cm² 550 Min520
Tensile elongation D-638 23ºc , 50 mm/min % 100 Min80
Flexural strength D-790 23ºc , 2.8 mm/min Kg/cm² 835 Min780
Flexural Modulus D-790 23ºc , 2.8 mm/min Kg/cm² 22500 Min19000
Specific Gravity D-792 23ºc .... 1.08 1.08
Molding Shrinkage D-955 ..... % 0.5-0.7 0.5-0.7
Flammability Ul94 1/8inch(3.2mm) .... HB HB
Rear Temp(°c) Center Temp (°c) Center Temp (°c) Front Temp (°c) Nozzle Temp (°c) Melt Temp (°c)
230-240 230-240 240-250 250-260 260-270 260
Mold Temp (°c) Filling Speed - - -
70-80 Slow-Med - - -

The following molding conditions are recommended starting point for GBPC PC/ABS alloy. A moisture level of
Some modifications may be required depending on the specific molding equipment and part configuration.
DRYING: it is recommended that GBPC PC/ ABS Resins be dried at (80-95°c)for 3 hours.