

Homo Polymer

F 30 S is a medium-high fluidity polypropylene homopolymer. F 30 S is particularly suitable for the production of heavy denier staple fibre and continuous filament. F 30 S exhibits good process stability and constant, high flow during extrusion. F 30 S is developed for the extrusion of staple fibres for spinning wool system fibres for carpets, rugs and garments such as overalls and socks. F 30 S is also suited for the production of continuous filament for ropes, belts and straps. Another typical applications of F 30 S is the extrusion of decorative ribbons..

General Properties

Category : Homo Polymer
Grade Name : F30S
Manufacturer : MARUN
MFR : 7.1-12
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Heavy duty jumbo bags,Furniture,Caps,Closures,Toys
Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
Physical properties
Melt flow rate (230'C, 2.16 kg) Dg/min 12 ISO 1133
Density g/cm3 0.9 ISO 1183
Mechanical properties
Flexural modulus N/mm2 1550 ISO 178
Tensile strength yield N/mm2 35 ISO R527
Elongation at yield % 13 ISO R 527
lzod impact strenghh (notched) at 23 °C kJ/m2 3.5 ISO 180
Hardness Shore D points 71 ISO 868)
Thermal properties
Vicat softening point (9.8 N) oC 155 ISO 306/A
H.D.T. (0.46 Mpa) oC 117 ISO 75/B
Accelerated oven ageing in air (forced circulation) at 150 °C hour 360 IS04577

 It is suitable for food contact.
 Values shown are averages and are not to be considered as p roduct specification
These values may shift slightly as additional data are accumlsted.

 ISO test methods are the lates under the societys current procedures. All specimens
are prepared by injection moulding .