EX5(HM 9450F)

EX5(HM 9450F)


“EX 5” is a high density polyethylene with 1-Butene as co monomer. It is good toughness, low gel level, good toor strenght, good stiffness and tenacity, High molar mass.

General Properties

Category : Film
Grade Name : EX5(HM 9450F)
Manufacturer : BAKHTAR
MFR : 0.28(5k/g)
Film extrusion,Counter bag, carrier bag,Wrapping films & sheets
Density :0.946
Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
Mass density (23 C) g/cm3 0.949 ISO 1183
Melt Flow Rate (190 C/5.06kg) g/10min 0.28 ISO 1133
Melt Flow Rate (190 C/21.16kg)) g/10min 8 ISO 1133
FRR (21.6/5) - 29 -
FN - <3/<120 M PC-TEST
Stress at Yield Mpa 24 ISO 527
Max. Tensile Strength MD / TD Mpa 45/40 ISO 527
Stress at Break Mpa 35 ISO 527
Tear Strength MD / TD m N 200/450 Max ISO 6383-2
Elongation MD / TD % 400/450 ISO 527
Softening Temperature 0 C 75 ISO 306
Brittle Temperature 0C < -80 ASTM D746-72
shore D hardness - 60 ISO 868
Dart Drop Impact g 220 ASTM D 1709
  • Typical Values: not to be construed as specifications
  •  Blow film thickness 20 µm , Extruded at melt temp. of 200 c and Blow up Ratio 4:1
  • Recommended melt temperature: 200_230 ºc
  •  Recommended film thickness: 10~200 µ