co polymer

′′Jampilen EPC40R′′ is a heterophasic polypropylene copolymer designed for injection moulding battery cases and technical items. The product offers an excellent balance of mechanical properties and processability and features an excellent long-term heat-stability. Articles moulded with ′′Jampilen EPC40R′′ offer a good balance of stiffness and toughness, good surface properties and a very high resistance to chemicals and crazing. ′′Jampilen EPC40R′′ is largely used for automotive components. Battery cases, cooling water compensation reservoirs, brake fluid reservoirs, wash water reservoirs, dashboard supports, luggage compartment trims and door trim panels are typical applications. In the electro- technical industries, ′′Jampilen EPC40R′′ is used for appliances, cables and wires (e.g. as slotted core element in fibre optic cables). ′′Jampilen EPC40R′′ is suitable for food contact.

General Properties

Category : CO Polymer
Grade Name : EPC40R
Manufacturer : JAM
MFR : 7.0(2.16k/g)
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Brake fluid reservoirs, wash water reservoirs, dashboard supports, luggage compartment trims and door trim panels Appliances, cables and wires (e.g. as slotted core element in fibre optic cables)
Physical Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
MFR (230 oC, 2.16kg) g/10 min 7 ISO 1133
Density g/cm³ 0.9 ISO 1133
Mechanical Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
Flexural Modulus N/mm2 1150 ISO 178
Tensile Strength at Yield N/mm2 26 ISO R 527
Tensile Elongation at Yield % 10 ISO R 527
Izod Impact Strength (notched) at 23 oC kJ/m2 8 ISO 180
Shore hardness (Shore D) points 68 ISO 868
Thermal Unit Typical value Test Method
Vicat softening point (10N) oC 151 ISO 306/A
H.D.T. (0.46 Mpa) oC 88 ISO 75/B
Accelerated oven ageing in air at 150 oC hours 1800 ISO 4577

Processing Method:
 Injection molding

 Excellent processability
 Excellent balance of stiffness, impact strength
 Excellent long-term heat-stability
 Heterophasic copolymer
Battery cases, cooling water compensation reservoirs
 Brake fluid reservoirs, wash water reservoirs, dashboard
 supports, luggage compartment trims and door trim panels
 Appliances, cables and wires (e.g. as slotted core element in fibre optic cables)