
General Properties

Typical properties Test method Unit Value
MFI@190°C, 5.0Kg ASTM 1238 gr/10min 0.22
MFI@190°C, 21.6Kg ASTM 1238 gr/10min 6.2
FRR(21.6/5.0) - 28
Mass Density(23OC) ISO 1183-1
Bulk Density ASTM D D1829 gr/cm3 0.605
Carbon Black Content ASTM D 4218 % 2.3
Carbon Black Dispersion BS-2782 Rating max 3
Impact Strength(charpy Index@23cº) ISO 179/1eA mj/mm² >20
Hydrostatic Strength (80°C/5.5MPa) ISO 11677 hr >165
Volatiles Basel Method ppm 349
Contamination Hoechst Method Rating 2
Vicat Softening Temperature, ( B50) ASTM D D1525 °C 75
Oxidation Induction Time, (210 °C) ASTM D 3895 min >25
DSC Melting Point -------- °C 130
Shore Hardness, (Shore D, 3 sec) ASTM D 2240 ------- 63

ARMCRP100B are high molecular weight high density polyethylene copolymers, developed as general purpose 
resin for use in pressure and non-pressure pipes. A minimum service life of 50 years is achievable under 
appropriate pressure and temperature conditions. ARMCRP100B offer excellent chemical resistance and 
environmental stress crack resistance. ARMCRP100B will provide excellent resistance to effects of ultra 
violet light exposure in outdoor applications.
ARMCRP100B are suitable for use in transport of a wide range of fluids for industrial, rural and mining 
Suitability for use in any application should be determined by appropriate performance testing. 
* ARMCRP100B are suitable for food contact