BL3(GF 4760)

BL3(GF 4760)

Blow Moulding

"BL3 (GF 4760)" is a high density polyethylene with Butene-1 as comonomer. The product is high density and high stiffness, good flow ability and impact strength and good stress cracking resistance (ESCR).

General Properties

Category : Blow Moulding
Grade Name : BL3(GF 4760)
Manufacturer : AMIR KABIR
Applications :
Production of sheets for thermoforming,Containers with capacities ranging from a few ml up to 10 liters
Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
MFl(190 °C/5Kg) g/10min 1.2-+0.3 ISO 1133
MFl(190 °C/21.6Kg) g/10min 23-+4 ISO 1183
FRR21.6/5 - 19 -
Density g/cm 0.954-+0.002 ISO 1183
Notched Impact Strength mj/mm 9 IS0179/1eA
Swell Ratio % 110-+15 Internal Method

Containers with capacities ranging from a few ml up to 10 liters.

Production of sheets for thermoforming.