


Classification: General ABS>Heat Resistance grade Characteristic: Heat Resistance grade Application: Mirror housings, Hair dryer shells, Electric oven exterior parts, Atomobile parts and etc

General Properties

Category : ABS
Grade Name : ABS-60
Manufacturer : GHAED BASIR
MFR : 13.2-15.2
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Electronic and Electrical parts, Automobile parts, Refrigerator knobs,Motorcycle parts, house appliances, Cosmetic case
Property Test method (ASTM) Test condition Unit Typical value ABS-60 Specificati on
Izod impact D-256 6.4 mm , notched Kj/m² 25 Min23
Melt flow index D-1238 220ºc , 10 kg gr/10 min 15 10-20
Rock well hardness D-785 ........ R-scale 112 100-120
HDT D-648 1.82 m pa ºc 87 Min85
Vicat softening Temp D-1525 5kg/50°c ºc 97 Min96
Tensile strength D-638 23ºc , 50 mm/min Kg/cm² 455 Min440
Tensile elongation D-638 23ºc , 50 mm/min % 22 Min20
Flexural strength D-790 23ºc , 2.8 mm/min Kg/cm² 670 Min650
Flexural Modulus D-790 23ºc , 2.8 mm/min Kg/cm² 22000 Min20000
Specific Gravity D-792 23ºc .. 1.04 1.04
Molding Shrinkage D-955 ... % 0.4-0.7 0.4-0.7
Flammability Ul94 1/8inch(3.2mm) ... HB HB
190-200 200-210 210-220 210-220 220-230 190-200

DRYING: it is recommended that GBPC ABS Resins be dried at (80-85°c)for 3 hours.

The following molding conditions are recommended starting point for GBPC ABS Resin. A
moisture level of ≤0.1% should be reached before injection molding the resin.

Some modifications may be required depending on the specific molding equipment and part