

Homo Polymer

❖ Main application & Characteristics: Moplen HP550J is a polypropylene homo-polymer particularly suitable for the extrusion of sheet for thermoforming, film yarn & monofilament. Moplen HP550J combines outstanding processability with good mechanical properties. Moplen HP550J is designed to produce stiff sheet for high quality thermoforming such as vending cups, packaging for dairy products & trays for fruit, biscuits & chocolates. Moplen HP550J is also particularly suitable to produce film yarn, with both cast & tubular processes .Textile film yarns with a denier count of not more than 1100 to 1200 are used for the production of carpet backings, bags, industrial fabrics, mats & artificial grass .Film yarn with a denier count ranging from 3000 to 28000 is used for baler twines, packaging twines & ropes. Moplen HP550J is also well suited for the production of monofilament used for instance for brush & broom filling & technical applications. Another typical application of Moplen HP550J is the extrusion of nets for various purposes.

General Properties

Category : Homo Polymer
Grade Name : 550J(HP550J)
Manufacturer : SHAZAND
MFR : 3.2(2.16k/g)
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Heavy duty jumbo bags,Furniture,Caps,Closures,Toys
Typical properties Test method (ASTM) Unit Value
MFR @230°C, 2.16 kg D1238/L gr/10min 3.2
Flexural Modulus D790 MPa 1550
Notched Izod Impact@23°C D256 J/m 55
Tensile Strength@Yield D638 MPa 35
Elongation@Yield D638 % 12
Vicat Softening Point,10N D1525 °C 156
HDT(0.46N/mm2) D648 °C 94
Rockwell Hardness D785 R Scale 102
Oven Aging@150°C D3012 Hours 360

Values shown are averages & are not to be considered as product specifications.
Moplen HP550J is suitable for food contact.