

Caps & Clouser

CC52502 is a Narrow MWD HDPE specially designed for mineral water bottles and beverage caps. This grade has excellent organoleptic properties which prevent unpleasant odor and taste from cap or closure to transfer to water. It has good gas permeability characteristics, superior processability and excellent mechanical strength. HDPE CC52502SU does contain slip agent and stabilized against UV light.

General Properties

Category : Caps & Clouser
Grade Name : 52502(CC52502)
Manufacturer : JAM
MFR : 1.2(5k/g)
Density : 0.952
Applications :
Hot filled and crbonated soft drinks,beverage caps,beverage bottles caps of sparliking water,
Resin Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
Melt Index (21.6) g/10 min 2 D1238
Density g/cm³ 0.952 D1505
Thermal Properties
Vicat Softening Point °C 124 D1525
Molded Properties
Flectural Modulus Mpa 1000 D790
Tensile Strenght at Yield Mpa 25 D790
Tensile Strenght at Break Mpa 38 D638
H.D.T °C 78 D648
Notched Izod Impact @ 23 °C J/m 180 D256/A
  • Typical Application:
    Caps and clouser for mineral water bottles, caps for sparkling water and carbonated soft
    drinks, beverage caps.

  •  Processing Conditions:
    Recommended barrel tempratures range is between 160 °C and 190 °C.