


General Properties

Category :Film
Grade Name: 5110(HFI5110)
Manufacturer :ARYASASOL
MFR: 10(21.6k/g)
Density :0.951
HCH 5110 is suitable for Film, Bags, Products for Use in Property Modification
Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
Polymer Properties
MFI(190 0C /2 1.6 Kg ) Dg/min 951 ISO1133
Density Kg/m3 10 ISO 1133
Mechanical properties
Tensile Modulus of elasticity MPa 1050 ISO527-1,2
Max. Tensile Strength (MD) MPa 55 ISO 527-1;3
Max. Tensile Strength (TD) MPa 55 ISO 527-1;3
Tensile Stress at break (TD) % 580 ISO 527-1
Tensile Stress at break (MD) % 620 ISO 527-1
Elemendorf tear strength(MD) mN 26 ISO 6383-2
Elemendorf tear strength(TD) mN 10 ISO 6383-2
Failure energy J/mm 250 DIN 53373
Dart Drop Impact g 800 ASTM D 1709
Thermal Properties
Melting Point oC 132 ISO 3146
Vicat Temp , (A50,50 oC /h , 10 N) oC 127 ISO 306
Additives :Antioxidant -Heat stabilizer

Typical values; not to be construed as specifications Blown film: thickness 20 μm, extruded at melt temperature of 220°C, long stalk process, blow 
up ratio 4:1