

Homo Polymer

General Properties

Category : Homo Polymer
Grade Name : 510L(ZH510L)
Manufacturer : NAVID ZAR CHIMI
MFR : 5-7(2.16k/g)
Density : 0.954
Applications : Heavy duty jumbo bags,Furniture,Caps,Closures,Toys
Typical Properties Method Unit Value(a) Tolerance
Melt flow rate(230 ° C, 2.16 Kg) ASTM D 1238 gr/10 min 6 ±3
Vicat soften ing point ( 9.8 N) ASTM D 1525 •c 154 ±4
H.0.T. (0.46 MPa) ASTM 0648 •c 94 ±8
Flexural modulus ASTM O 790 MPa 1550 ±150
Tensile strength at yield ASTM 0638 MPa 36 ±4
Elongation at yield ASTM 0638 % 12 -3
lzod impact strength( notched ) at 23° C ASTM 0256 J/m 40 ±3
Rockwell hardness (R -B Scale] ASTM D0785 R-B 100 +20

Values shown are averages and are not to be considered as exact product

All specimens are prepared by injection molding.

 It is suitable for food contact