


HD‐5000S is a HDPE grade specially designed for monofilament applications, which combines good processability with high tenacity. This grade has good balance of mechanical strength and high production rates. HD‐5000S is also well suited for multiply applications, like ropes and stretched filaments

General Properties

Category : Yarn
Grade Name : 5000S
Manufacturer : JAM
MFR : 0.8(5k/g)
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Fishing net,Rope,Tarpaulin,Woven sack
Resin Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
Melt Index (21.6) g/10 min 0.8 D1238
Density g/cm³ 0.954 D1505
Thermal Properties
Vicat Softening Point °C 125 D1525
Molded Properties
Flectural Modulus Mpa 1100 D790
Tensile Strenght at Yield Mpa 24 D790
Tensile Strenght at Break Mpa 39 D638
H.D.T °C 75 D648
Notched Izod Impact @ 23 °C J/m 400 D256/A

Typical Application:
Fishing net, Rope, Agricultural net, Tarpaulin, Woven sack.

Processing Conditions:
Recommended barrel tempratures range is between 160 °C and 190 °C

Storage and Handling:

Polyethylene products (in pelletized or powder form) should not be stored in direct sunshine
and/or heat radiation. The Storage area should be dry and preferably don't exceed 50 °C. JPC
would not responsible about quality diminishing such as color change, bad smell or est.
which caused by bad storage conditions. It is better to process PE resin within 6 months after