


LL-235F6 is a linear-low density polyethylene resin (LLDPE), obtained by gas phase technology process. This grade designed for the production of different type of films and agricultural tapes. In this grade excellent processability, mechanical properties, melt strength and drawability achieved based on the balanced molecular weight and molecular weight distribution. LL-235F6 has good sealability and approved for food contact applications

General Properties

Category : LLDPE
Grade Name : 235F6(LL-235F6)
Manufacturer : JAM
MFR : 0.6
Density : 0.922
Applications :
Agricultural Films and Tapes, Lamination, Shrink Film, Industrial Films, Frozen Food Packaging
Typical Properties Unit value Test Method
Melt Index (230 oC, 2.16kg) g/10 min 0.6 D1238
Density g/mc3 0.922 D1505
Flexural Modulus MPa 385 D790
Tensile Strength at Yield MPa 11.5/12 (MD/TD) D882
Tensile Elongation at Break MPa 47/28 (MD/TD) D882
Tensile Elongation at Break % >600 D882
Elmendorf Tear gr 130/470 (MD/TD) D1922
Hardness Shore D 55 D2240
ESCR hr >1000 1693
Vicat softening point (10N) oC 107 D1525
Melting Point oC 127 D3418

LL-235F6 is suited for mono and coextrusion in a wide range of applications. Agricultural
Films and Tapes, Lamination, Shrink Film, Industrial Films, Frozen Food Packaging

Processing Conditions
Recommended barrel temperature range is between 180°C and 240°C.

Storage and Handling

Polyethylene products (in pelletized or powder form) should not be stored in direct sunshine
and/or heat radiation. The Storage area should be dry and preferably don't exceed 50 °C.
JPC would not responsible for quality diminishing such as color change, bad smell etc.,
which caused by bad storage conditions. It is better to process PE resin within 6 months after