2230(PGPC 2230)

2230(PGPC 2230)


General Properties

Category : PC
Grade Name : 2230(PGPC 2230)
Manufacturer : KHOZESTAN
MFR ; 22.1-30
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Windows,Helmet,Instrument cases and mechanical goods
Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
MFI g/10 min 22.1 ASTM D1238
Density g/cm3 1.2 ASTM D792
Tensile Strength MPA ≥60 ASTM D638
Modulus of elasticity MPA 2000-2400 ASTM D638
Elongation % ≥50 ASTM D638
Dielectric impact strength Kv/mm ≥18 ASTM D149
Charpy impact strength Kj/m2 ≥20 ASTM D6110
Vicat soft temp oc 139-143 ASTM D1525
Transmitance % ≥80 ASTM D1003
Solvent Content ppm Max 1500 GC (int-st)
Yellow index ---- Max6 ASTM D1925
  • Applications :
  • Windows,Helmet,Instrument cases and mechanical goods