1502(SBR 1502)

1502(SBR 1502)


General Properties

Category : SBR
Grade Name : 1502(SBR 1502)
Manufacturer : BANDAR IMAM
MFR : 1.2(5k/g)
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Mechanical goods, Tires,Molded and extruded mechanical eubber goods,Foot wear,Light and dark colored mechanical goods
Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
Volatile Matter %wt 0.75 max ASTM D-1416
Ash %wt 1.5 max ASTM D-1416
Organic Acid %wt 4.75-7 ASTM D-1416
Soap %wt 0.5 max ASTM D-1416
Bound Styrene %wt 22.5-24.5 ASTM D-1416
Raw Viscosity (ML 1+4 @ 100°C) - 46-58 ASTM D-1646
Compound Viscosity (ML 1+4 @ 100°C) - 84 max ASTM D-1646
tensile strength (35 minutes cure) kg/cm2 250 min ASTM D-412
Ultimate Elogation (35 Minutes Cure) % 350 min ASTM D-412
300% Modulus (35 Minutes Cure) kg/cm2 167-207 ASTM D-412
  • Applications :
  • Mechanical goods, Tires,Molded and extruded mechanical eubber goods,Foot wear,Light and dark colored mechanical goods