1220(TJPC 1220)

1220(TJPC 1220)


CHARACTERSTICS: High-Cis Polybutadiene rubber "TJPC 1220" is produced by a technology of solution polymerization based on Ziegler-Natta (Cobalt) catalyst. It has more than 96% of 1,4 Cis content and very low glass transition temperature . Cured "TJPC 1220" has excellent properties such as abrasion resistance, tear strength, resilience, weathering resistance and low rolling resistance (good fuel economy) due to its low glass transition temperature (Tg typically <-90°C) . APPL ICATION TJPC 1220 is appropriate for rubber compounds used in the production of tire, floor coverings, footwear, children toys, rubber hose, belts and golf balls .

General Properties

Category : HIPS
Grade Name : 1220(TJPC 1220)
Manufacturer : TAKHT JAMSHID
MFR : 1.2(5k/g)
Density : 0.954
Applications : Foot wear,children toys,rubber house,belts & golf balls
Typical properties Test method (ASTM) Unit Value
Mooney viscosity (ML 1+4 @ 100 °C) MU 41-49 ASTM D1646
Cis Content wt % MIN 96 Internal Method
Volatile Material wt % MAX 0.75 ASTM D1416
Ash Content wt % MAX 0.3 ASTM D1416
Typical properties Test method (ASTM) Unit Value
Compound Mooney Viscosity MU MAX 77 ASTM D - 1646
Tensile Strength(35 Min) Kgf / cm3 MIN 150 ASTM D412
Elongation at Break (35 Min) % MIN 440 ASTM D412
300% Modulus at 145 °C - - -
25 Min Kgf / cm3 68-108 ASTM D412
35 Min Kgf / cm3 74-114 ASTM D412
50 Min Kgf / cm3 74-114 ASTM D412

35 ±0.5 KG bales wrapped with polyethylene film.
36 bales per crate (1260±18 KG).


TJPC 1202 is typically transported in covered road trucks, in covered railway
carriages and in standard shipping containers. TJPC 1202 is not a dangerous
material to transport.


Product should be stored in sheltered conditions away from direct sunlight away
from radiant heating elements and the temperature should not exceed 30°C.