

Homo Polymer

RG 1040 RC POLYMER TYPE: POLYPROPYLENE HOMOPOLYMER PACKING : PP bags of 25 kgs, 50 bags on a pallet shrinked by PE APPLICATION : Furniture, thinwalled packaging, housewares T FEATURES : Homopolymer contains nucleating agent and with high Stiffness CESSING METHOD : Injection moulding

General Properties

Category : Homo Polymer
Grade Name : 1040RC(RG1040RC)
Manufacturer : REGAL
MFR : 23(2.16k/g)
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Furniture, thinwalled packaging, housewares
Property Test Method Unit Value
MFR ( 230 ̊ C/ 2.16 Kg ) ASTM D1238/L gr/10min 23
Tensile Modulus of Elasticity (1mm/min) ASTM D638 MPa 2000
Tensile Strength at Yield (50 mm/min) ASTM D638 MPa 40
Elongation at Yield(50 mm/min) ASTM D638 % 7
Notched Charpy Impact at 23 ̊ ISO 179/ 1eA KJ/m2 2,5
Notched Charpy Impact at -30 ̊ ISO 179/ 1eA KJ/m2 1.5
Vicat Softening Point, 10N ASTM D1525 ̊C 157
Ball indentation hardness ISO 2039-1 MPa 93
HDT ( 0.46 N/mm2 ) ASTM D648 ̊C 105
Melting Point , DSC ASTM D3417 ̊C 165
Density ASTM D792 gr/cm3 0.91