0220(LL0220 AA)

0220(LL0220 AA)


General Properties

Category : LLDPE
Grade Name : 0220(LL0220 AA)
Manufacturer : SHAZAND
MFR : 2 - 2.5
Density : 0.917 - 0.920
Applications :
cast and blown film applications,
Typical Properties Unit Typical value ASTM
MFI@190°C, 2.16 kg gr/10min 2 - 2.5 D1238
Density gr/ml 0.917-0.920 D2839
Tensile Strength@Yield, MD/TD Mpa 10/9 D638
Elongation@Break, MD/TD % 600/810 D638
Tensile Strength@Break, MD/TD Mpa 40/31 D688
Tear Strength, MD/TD gr/25mic 90/280 D1922
Haze % 13 D1003
Gloss (45°) Rating 50 D2457

Main application & Characteristics:
LL0220AA is a linear low density polyethylene copolymer containing butene-1 as
a co-monomer.
LL0220AA has been specially developed for production of hand wrap and other
cast stretch films such as oriented tapes. It can also be used as a blending
partner in LDPE or LLDPE in both cast and blown film applications.
LL0220AA offers the following advantages when it processed by the cast
extrusion process:
− Good balance of mechanical properties.
− Good optical properties.
− Good cling performance

LL0220AA also can be used as compounds for low voltage power cable
insulation or fibre optic jacketing.
LL0220AA should be processed in machinery designed for LLDPE.
Melt temperature range in the cast process are normally 240°C-280°C and in
lean blends for blown film are 165°C-215°C.
LL0220AA should be stored in the dry condition below the 50°C and avoided
from the exposure of direct sunlight.
* LL0220AA is suitable for food contact.