0220(LL0220 AA)

0220(LL0220 AA)


LL 0220 AA" is a LLDPE copolymer with butene as comonomer which contains antioxidant. This grade is suitable for the production of blown film for light duty applications and for the production of cast stretch film. Film made from LL 0220 AA can be produced at higher output com-pared to standard 1 MFR LLDPE butene copolymers. Neutralizer: Zinc Oxide Antioxidant: lrganox1010, lrganox168 h\

General Properties

Category : LLDPE
Grade Name : 0220(LL0220 AA)
Manufacturer : AMIR KABIR
MFR : 2.4(2.16k/g)
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Heavy duty plastic bags,Freezer bags,Hand bags,Packing,Agricultural film
Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
H MFR ( 190'C/2.16kg) g/10min 2.2 ISO 1133
Density Kg/m3 920 ISO 1183
Tensile strength at yield Morro MPa 10/11 ISO 527
Tensile strength at break Morro MPa 36/28 ISO 527
Elongation at break Morro % 600/800 ISO 527
Tear strength Morro g/25μm 110/300 ASTM D 1922
Dart drop impact g 130 ASTM D 1709
Vicat Softening T oC 93 ISO 306

Typical properties: these are not to be construed as specifications

Food Grade

Light and medium duty film.

Stretch film.