0209(LL0209 KJ)

0209(LL0209 KJ)


General Properties

Category : LLDPE
Grade Name : 0209(LL0209 KJ)
Manufacturer : SHAZAND
MFR : 0.9(2.16k/g)
Density : 0.925
Applications :
Heavy duty plastic bags,Freezer bags,Hand bags,Packing,Agricultural film
Typical Properties Unit Typical value ASTM
MFI@190°C, 2.16 kg gr/10min 0.9 D1238
Density gr/ml 0.920 D2839
Vicat Softening Point °C 100 D1525
Tensile Strength@Yield, MD/TD Mpa 10.5/11 D638
Tear Strength, MD/TD gr/25mic 145/370 D1922
Impact Strength, Dart gr 150 D1709
Haze % 10 D1003
Gloss (45°) Rating 56 D2457

Main application & Characteristics:
LL0209AA & LL0209KJ are linear low density polyethylene copolymers containing
butene-1 as a co-monomer.
LL0209AA & LL0209KJ are suitable for general purpose films, neat or in lean
blends with LDPE and other ethylene polymers. Lean blends applications include
sacks of all types, FFS and agricultural films.
In lean blends they offer the following advantages:
− Greater draw down.
− Improved hot-tack and lower seal shrinkage.
− Better tear resistance.
− Higher tensile stress and elongation at break.

LL0209KJ offers high slip film with easy opening properties when used pure in
thickness range 35-100 microns. Addition of other polymers, master batches and
pigments or use of other thickness may alter film slip and anti-block
If corona treatment is necessary, the level should normally be in the range 38-48
LL0209AA & LL0209KJ should be stored in the dry condition below the 50°C and
avoided from the exposure of direct sunlight.
Recommended melt temperature for extrusion is about 180°C - 225°C.
* LL0209AA & LL0209KJ are suitable for food contact