0209(LL0209 KJ)

0209(LL0209 KJ)


"LL 0209KJ" is a LLOPE copolymer with butene as comonomer which contains antioxidant, Slip and antiblock additives. It gives film of high slip which is easily separable. It is recommended for general purpose applications. It is suitable for blending with conventional LOPE. Film made from pure LL 0209 KJ has the following advantages over conventional LOPE: Greater drawdown capability. Higher tensile strength. Higher puncture resistance.

General Properties

Category : LLDPE
Grade Name : 0209(LL0209 KJ)
Manufacturer : AMIR KABIR
MFR : 0.9(2.16k/g)
Density : 0.954
Applications :
Heavy duty plastic bags,Freezer bags,Hand bags,Packing,Agricultural film
Medium Slip/Antiblock Grade
Additive Silica Talc
Neutralizer Calcium Stearate Calcium Stearate
Antioxidant lrganox1010,rgafos168 lrganox1010, lrgafos168
Anti block Siloblock47 Talc ABT 250
Slip Erucamide Erucamide
Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
Melt Flow Rate (2.16 Kg) g/10min 0.9 ISO 1133
Density Kg/m3 921 ISO 1133
Tensile Strength at Yield MD/TD MPa 10\11 ISO 527
Tensile Strength at Break MD/TD MPa 41/32 ISO 527
Elongation at Break MD/TD % 620\840 ISO 527
Tear Strength MD/TD g/25μ 145/370 ASTM 01922
Dart Drop Impact g 150 ASTM 01709

Typical properties: these are not to be construed as specifications

Food Grade

refuse sacks.

produce bags, carrier bags.