


LL0205AA" is a LLDPE copolymer with butene as comonomer which contains anti-oxidant. This grade is especially suitable for use pure for handwrap stretch film or blended with LOPE for Heavy duty sacks. Film made from LL0205AA shows improved toughness compared to standard 1 MFR LLDPE butene Copolymer. Neutralizer:calcium stearate Antioxidant: I rganox 1010, I rganox168

General Properties

Category : LLDPE
Grade Name : 0205(LL0205AA)
Manufacturer : AMIR KABIR
MFR : 0.5(2.16k/g)
Density : 920
Applications :
Heavy duty stacks,Mulch films,Strech film,Liners,Geo,
Properties Unit Typical value Test Method
H MFR ( 190'C/2.16kg) g/10min 0.5 ISO 1133
Density Kg/m3 920 ISO 1183
Tensile strength at yield Morro MPa 10/11 ISO 527
Tensile strength at break Morro MPa 42/35 ISO 527
Elongation at break Morro % 600/700 ISO 527
Tear strength Morro g/25μm 155/375 ASTM D 1922
Dart drop impact g 160 ASTM D 1709

Typical properties: these are not to be construed as specifications

Heavy duty sacks.mulch films.

Strech film,liners,geomembrane.