

Blow Moulding

General Properties

Category : Blow Moulding
Grade Name : 0035(HB-0035)
Manufacturer : BANDAR IMAM
MFR : 0.35(2.16k/g)
Density : 0.959
HB0035 is well suited for wide range of blow moulding applications due to its unique
properties. These range from bottles for bleach, motor oil, toiletries, mild and distilled water.
This grade is also used to make small containers (from 10 cc to 20 lit.).
Property Unit Value Test Method
MFI (190 oC /2. 16 kg) gr/10min. 0.35 ASTM D 1238
Density gr/cm3 0.959 ASTM D 1505
Izod impact strength Kg.cm/cm 25 min ASTM D 256
Yellow index - -5 max. ASTM D 1925
Ash content wt% 0.06 max ASTM D 1063
Volatile matter wt% 0.05 max. ASTM D 1960
Tensile strength @ break gr/cm2 290 min ASTM D 638
Elongation @ break % 900 min ASTM D 638
Melting point oC 130 ASTM D 2117
Vicat softening point oC 126 ASTM D 1525
ESCR hr 15 ASTM D 1693

General Informations:
HB0035 is a high molecular weight high density polyethylene blow moulding grade
combining blow moulding extrusion behavior and superior mechanical properties. Blow
moulded items made from HB 0035 exhibit high impact strength and good stress cracking
resistance and high stiffness. HB 0035 contains antioxidant to protect the polymer from
degradation during processing. HB 0035 is a highly crystalline, non-polar thermoplastic and
has excellent chemical resistance and superb impact resistance at ambient conditions and
even at cold temperatures.


HB0035 is well suited for wide range of blow moulding applications due to its unique
properties. These range from bottles for bleach, motor oil, toiletries, mild and distilled water.
This grade is also used to make small containers (from 10 cc to 20 lit.).